The Summer of Home Improvements!

Our siding is not in good shape, somewhat due to us being new homeowners who didn't realize it needed to be painted the moment a spot appeared or else it would all rot, and somewhat due to it being in crappy condition when we bought it four years ago. Anyway, a lot of thousands of dollars later, and our house is going to become dark gray with white siding! I'm still deciding on a door color... do I go with black? a fun color like yellow?

We also need a brand new deck because ours is rotten... another few thousand...

Oh and we need two new windows... another $1500...

So at this point, I figure we should just spend another $2500 and fix everything else in the house I dislike too!

Scott isn't quite so sure, but I'm trying to convince him to let a painter do the rest of our tall interior walls in the living room, add a tiled backsplash to the kitchen and get new countertops, and get new carpet in the basement + painting the wainscoting gray.... Hahaha.

Before and after photos to come as the projects get completed =)


  1. LOL - this is the exact same way I am with house projects. "Let's just round it up a couple thousand and do it all at once!" David is never amused. ;)


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